Friday, April 22, 2005

Have I Seen It All?

Sugah Daddy Posted by Hello

I searched Pimp on YAGooHOO!gle and there were many entertaining sites. I contemplated purchasing a pimp cup for Brian, but I couldn't decide between this one or this one. So I continued surfing to see what other Pimpalicious items could be bought, I came across a site called
Their gear runs the normal gamut with
Pimp Shoes:

Jewelry, like this spinning rim Pimp necklace:

And then I ventured into the clothing section:

Mack Daddy Posted by Hello

Cheetah Posted by Hello

Big Poppa Posted by Hello

They don't have Ho Dresses for young girls. You can just go to the Limited Too for those.

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Cute Picture of the Day

I am an animal lover and absolutely abhorr any cruel treatment of our four-legged friends.
But look:

Hi. I'm a kitten in a glass. Posted by Hello

I think that kitten likes it in that glass. Don't you?

Stop looking at it. You can't, can you? Neither can I.