Saturday, March 05, 2005

Is that Kelly Osbourne in My Manet Montage??

Manet Montage Posted by Hello

One of my favorite new daily-reads,, alerted me to the coolest thing. It's a flash application called Montage-a-Google. You put a term in the search bar and click search. Once it's found all the images, click Create Montage. You can adjust how many images you want in each row.

So I put the term Manet in the search box, for my favorite artist. I wondered what the heck Kelly Osbourne was doing there. Then I realized that if you scroll over the images you will see the source of that image, and if you click on it it will open the image at its source. Seems her picture came from which is a photography website that hosts photoshopping contests. Hers looks like someone photoshopped an image of her to look as if it was painted. (??)

If there are pictures of you on the internet, give it a try. I put in my own name and got 19 images of other people.

1 comment:

michael said...

Could get in trouble with this one.